Talking to Children About Death
Image credit: Drobot Dean/
From Our Editors
March 26, 2023 — 5th Sunday of Lent
In Sunday’s Gospel, a dear friend of Jesus has died. When Jesus learns about Lazarus’s death, he weeps in sorrow. We see Jesus’ power and the glory of God when Jesus raises Lazarus from death. Lazarus will die again someday; his resuscitation is different than Jesus’ Resurrection to eternal life. On Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, we will be hearing Matthew’s account of Jesus’ Passion and Death. We will hear John’s account of these events on Good Friday.
Talking with children about death can be tricky if we let our own fears or discomfort with the topic get in the way. But death is a natural part of all life, and children need our help to navigate the feelings and questions that come with the death of a loved one. Carole Eipers has written a booklet How to Talk to Children About Death in which she offers simple information for adults, practical guidance for talking to children about death, and suggestions for activities and prayers. She addresses these questions with sensitivity and through the perspective of our Catholic faith: What does death mean? How do we experience loss? What can we do when someone is dying? Why do people die? What happens when people die? What’s a funeral? How can we remember people who have died? Should I be afraid? What does Jesus say about dying? How do we go on living after a death? Additional guidance for talking with children about death can be found on the website of the Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of Omaha.
Let us pray: Jesus, Good Shepherd, you care for us. We are sad when someone dies. But you promise we will all live in Heaven with you one day. We pray that all who die will enjoy Heaven forever. Amen.
Every week in the GROW newsletter, you will find helpful tips for teaching your Gospel Weeklies lesson, a reflection on the Sunday Gospel, and links to many online resources. […] [READ MORE]
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Sunday Gospel Reflection
March 26, 2023 — 5th Sunday of Lent
John 11:1–45
Sunday’s Gospel describes Jesus raising of his friend Lazarus from the dead. The story hints at Jesus’ own Resurrection […] [READ MORE]
Para la versión en español, haga clic aquí.
Click the image above to download the Kid's Calendar with saints and feasts for the month of March.
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Catholic devotions, Click Here.
In times of challenge, looking to saintly models of faithfulness can inspire us. Every saint in Heaven faced life’s challenges with faith. […] [READ MORE]
Website Spotlight: Sacrament Lesson Previews
Image credit: © Bayard, Inc.
Do you use Together in Jesus for sacramental prep? Is your parish looking for new sacramental prep materials? Check out these […] [READ MORE]
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