Not the end

“God raised him up, releasing him from the throes of death” *
Acts 2:24, April 23


 Dear Friend,

Your April and Holy Week issues of Living with Christ were carefully prepared to enhance your Easter journey! Enriching reflections and the joy-filled readings that we have during the Church’s holiest days of the year await you in these two very special and comprehensive editions! You’ll also be able to deepen your Easter experiences with powerful inspiration from the saints and a prayer for every day. Using Living with Christ as your guide, you’ll also be able to spread the joy of Easter to others (see offer below).

May the blessings of the Risen Christ be yours in this joyful season!

God bless,

Terence Hegarty, 
Editor, Living with Christ
P.S. NEW! Check out the book selection of the month in this newsletter and as a subscriber, get 20% off your entire order with promo code LWCVIP20. If you are not a subscriber and wish to receive Living with Christ, or if you need to renew your subscription, please visit livingwithchrist.us.
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For a culture of peace and non-violence

We pray for the spread of peace and non-violence, by decreasing the use of weapons by States and citizens.


Second greeting of peace

In your April issue, you’ll also be able to read about seeking true peace. Father George Smiga writes, in  This month’s Scriptures column, that “Jesus’ peace is connected to his person and his presence,” he writes. “Like the shepherd in psalm 23, Jesus walks with us both in good times and bad.”

Holding God’s hand

The April Wisdom from our friend's column features an excerpt from a new book that was written by two deacons. Holding God’s Hand: Meditations to Relieve Stress, Worry, and Fear, provides meditations designed to help readers, “rejoice in the Lord always.” The excerpts "celebrate the love that God has for each one of us.”

Story and sacrament

Alice Camille's Praying with the Scriptures column this month tells readers that our sacraments and stories are intimately intertwined. “This is how it always is: story and sacrament work together to reveal Jesus to us. If we rely on just one, we’re only getting half the story,” Alice said.

Editorial from Fr. John Franck, A.A.
The liturgical calendar of the month
Prayer in the morning
Prayer in the evening
A prayer for each day
The order of Mass
Daily Readings and prayers
Spotlights on saints
Daily commentaries on the Good News
Keys to the Word
Visit us at livingwithchrist.us
Living with Christ April book selection
Our monthly selection of resources offers a diverse range of titles for readers interested in spiritual growth and reflection. Get 20% off your entire order with promo code LWCVIP20.
Holding God's Hand: Meditations to Relieve Stress, Worry and Fear
Christ-Filled Moments
Awaken to the Divine: 52 Contempletive Reflections to Transform Your Spirit
The Sacraments - Lesson helps, resources, and activities for busy catechists
click for more resources
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